Thursday, April 17, 2008

Java and Firefox 3 Beta 5 on Linux

This post is about configuring Java with Firefox 3 beta 5 on Linux i386. It might work for similar versions of Java and Firefox though.
The JRE coming with JSE v1.6.0_03 is currently not working. BUT the one coming with JSE v1.5.0_08 does work!
You just need to follow the usual instructions (which can be found here) and create a symbolic link the the Java plugin library:

> cd ${FIREFOX_HOME}/plugins
> ln -s ${JAVA_HOME}jre/plugin/i386/ns7/

Restart Firefox and check at this URL: about:plugins if it's loaded and here if it works.

Note: Actually "works" is perhaps a little bit of an overstatement. I found out an applet which is supposed to update itself with streaming data and is not doing it. So maybe it's a matter of waiting on Firefox's final version...
On the other side Firefox 3 is much much faster and less memory consuming than Firefox 2.

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