Monday, September 22, 2008

Ant unable to locate javadoc.exe

The situation: you're launching an Ant build file from within Eclipse on Windoz and the file has a Javadoc task. But Eclipse can't find the executable.

What you need to do is add the JDK bin directory to the PATH environment variable.
There is nothing to configure in Eclipse.


Equipa Espiral de Ideias said...

Heyy! i put the bin directory in user enviroment variable PATH and it still doesnt work! it works on command promptlike it always did but not in eclipse! any help?



Equipa Espiral de Ideias said...

Forget it. You were right! i just har to restart eclipse. duh. thanks for the tip. it really helped=)

Andrea Caltroni said...

Sorry if I didn't answer but I'm used at seeing 0 comments and don't check them regularly...