Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Record Sound from Internal Source (Windows 10)

Recording software: Audacity

WASAPI loopback has an advantage over stereo mix or similar inputs provided by the soundcard that the capture is entirely digital (rather than converting to analog for playback, then back to digital when Audacity receives it). System sounds playing through the device selected for WASAPI loopback are still captured, however.

1st Method: Stereo Mix

If it's included in the drivers' list, it's usually disabled. Enable it and select it in Audacity as the Recording Device.
Open the Sound Settings -> Sound Control Panel. Right-click and enable Show Disabled Devices. Enable the Stereo Mix.

2nd Method: WASAPI Loopback

In Audacity, choose the Windows WASAPI audio host, and then choose an appropriate loopback device, such as Speakers (loopback) or Headphones (loopback).

Note! If this doesn’t work, you may also need to select the correct number of recording channels to match your device using the dropdown box to the right of device selection box. For example, If you have a 7.1 channel headset, select 8.


  1. Audacity Tutorial: Recording Computer Playback on Windows, https://manual.audacityteam.org/man/tutorial_recording_computer_playback_on_windows.html
  2. https://www.howtogeek.com/217348/how-to-record-the-sound-coming-from-your-pc-even-without-stereo-mix/

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