Thursday, July 08, 2021

Manage Entries from the "New" Context Menu in Windows 10

Sometimes when you install a program, you need to have it under the right-click menu New submenu. If it's not there you can easily add it using the Registry Editor.

  1. Open the Registry Editor: run regedit
  2. Under Computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, find the file extension you want to add.
  3. Select it, right-click and select New -> Key
  4. Name it ShellNew
  5. On the left panel, select New -> String Value
  6. Name it NullFile and change the value to 1 if you want to enable it. Actually setting the value is not necessary. The mere existence of the key makes it appear in the menu.
  7. If you want to disable an existing one, just remove the ShellNew entry. Setting the key to zero seems not to work for me.

That's all folks! 



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